Designing Change: How Non-Profits Harness the Power of Design for Impact

Mission-Driven Design

In the dynamic world of non-profit organizations, effective design plays a pivotal role in driving impact, fostering engagement, and amplifying outreach efforts. Many strategic organizations have established themselves in capital cities, like here in Harrisburg, PA. In capital cities, nonprofits find themselves surrounded by a diverse ecosystem of like-minded organizations, government agencies, think tanks, and businesses. This concentration fosters ample opportunities for networking, collaboration, and coalition-building. Whether it’s partnering on initiatives, sharing resources, or collectively addressing common challenges, the collaborative environment of a capital city enhances the impact and reach of non-profits. Cross Creative is passionate about supporting our local community of changemakers, so join us as we explore why design matters for non-profits and how it can elevate their mission-driven initiatives.

Establishing Brand Identity

Design serves as the cornerstone for building a strong brand identity that resonates with stakeholders. Nonprofits understand the importance of consistent visual branding in conveying their missions and values.

We were fortunate to have worked for Habitat for Humanity on two different website projects. One for Habitat for Humanity of Colorado and Habitat for Humanity Vail Valley. Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. Their branding includes a vibrant blue and green color scheme, straightforward typography, and visuals that highlight community and collaboration. 

Effective Communication

Visual storytelling through design enables non-profits to effectively communicate their impact and connect with their audience on an emotional level. Organizations leverage compelling design to raise awareness and advocate for social change.

Cross Creative crafted messaging for Steven Donziger’s fight against Chevron’s pollution in the Amazon. Donziger helped Indigenous and farmer communities in Ecuador win a $9.5 billion judgment against Chevron. Retaliation included nearly three years of house arrest and imprisonment. Chevron also revoked his law license and confiscated his passport. Our design used powerful visuals and emotive language to highlight this urgent need for President Biden’s intervention.

Enhancing Visibility and Awareness

In a competitive landscape, design plays a crucial role in enhancing visibility and raising awareness for non-profit causes. Smart organizations utilize strategic design in their marketing and promotional materials to amplify their reach and engage the community in the cause.

The nonprofit J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) undertook a rebranding initiative to better reflect its innovative spirit and reinforce its status as a global leader in genomic and bioinformatics research. We centered the rebranding around the theme of the “Foundation of Innovation,” inspired by the institute’s state-of-the-art building that embodies scientific vision, purpose, and technology. By creating thoughtful and visually compelling marketing and promotional materials, we successfully elevated JCVI’s brand, boosting its recognition and impact within the scientific community.

The original JCVI logo had a lot of brand equity. We wanted to carry that over into the new logo.
Old JCVI Logo
There are plenty of examples where the acronym JCVI is used in the company’s lexicon and within the industry—this arrangement makes it official.
New JCVI Logo

Engaging Stakeholders

Engaging donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries requires thoughtful design strategies that inspire action and foster meaningful connections. Nonprofits create engaging websites with interactive designs to facilitate mentorship opportunities and support their missions.

We designed the websites for both the James Madison Fund and the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation to enhance stakeholder engagement and support their missions. These sites feature interactive elements, clear navigation, and compelling visuals that appeal to donors, volunteers, and educators. Our thoughtful design strategy, utilizing Adobe Creative Cloud software like Illustrator, Photoshop, and the rapid prototype tool Adobe XD, allowed us to quickly iterate and find solutions that resonate with the audience. This approach facilitates mentorship opportunities and fosters meaningful connections, driving each organization’s mission forward.

Maximizing Resources

Design doesn’t have to break the bank for non-profits; strategic investment and collaboration with creative professionals can yield significant returns. By leveraging cost-effective design solutions and partnering with organizations like Cross Creative, nonprofits can maximize their resources and amplify their impact.

We worked with the International Institute for Restorative Practices within their modest budget to create an evergreen event theme for their “World Conference.” Through our unique discovery process, we developed a cohesive event look with staying power, allowing them to recycle the theme each year. This strategic approach not only saved resources but also ensured a consistent and recognizable brand for their annual event.

We exhaust various options to ensure we land on symbols that resonate with the client's goals

As Cross Creative, we encourage nonprofits to work with us to prioritize design as a strategic tool for driving positive change and creating lasting impact. Let’s continue to collaborate, innovate, and design a better future for all. 

Brewing Success: The Power of Marketing and Branding for Beer Distributors

The Power of Marketing

Today, we’re diving into a frothy topic that’s been fermenting for centuries: the immense power of marketing and branding for beer distributors, particularly here in Pennsylvania. Many of the teammates here at Cross Creative are from PA, and we’re not just passionate about great beer; we’re passionate about telling the story behind every sip.

But before we pour into the marketing strategies that fuel the success of beer distributors, let’s take a step back and explore the historical roots that have shaped Pennsylvania’s unique beer landscape.

Pennsylvania holds a special place in the history of American brewing. Dating back to the colonial era, the state has been a hub for beer production and distribution. One of the most intriguing aspects of Pennsylvania’s beer culture is its requirement for the sale of malt beverages at beer distributors.

This regulation traces its origins to the post-Prohibition era when states began implementing laws to regulate the sale and distribution of alcohol. In Pennsylvania, the decision to sell beer through licensed distributors was driven by a desire to control and monitor alcohol sales while also supporting local businesses. After Prohibition’s repeal in 1933, Pennsylvania passed new laws to regulate the manufacture, transportation, and sale of beer, wine, and liquor. The state’s new laws also created a distinctive type of business: the beer distributor.

Captivating Design

This mandate not only shaped the way beer is sold in the state but also laid the groundwork for the marketing and branding strategies employed by beer distributors today. With a captive audience of consumers seeking their favorite brews at these designated outlets, effective marketing and branding have become essential. From eye-catching bottle design, can design, and box design to engaging social media content, Cross Creative is here to help beer distributors connect with their target audience and build brand loyalty.

Branding a beer involves more than just slapping a label on a bottle; it’s about creating a visual and emotional narrative that resonates with consumers. Our process begins with understanding the spirit of the beer—its unique flavor profile, history, and the story the brewery wants to tell. This story is then woven into every aspect of the design, from the initial sketches to the final product. We explore various design concepts, ensuring each one captures the essence of the beer and supports its narrative.

This iterative process involves multiple rounds of feedback and revisions, allowing us to refine the designs until they perfectly embody the beer’s character. The bottle design, can design, and box design are all meticulously crafted to create a cohesive and compelling brand identity. We’ve also begun to explore the use of 3D mock ups in our photography to ensure quality and consistency of product images, providing a polished and professional look for marketing materials.

The Local Goods

When it comes to local favorites, Pennsylvania is home to some iconic brews. Yuengling, America’s oldest brewery, is a staple with its rich heritage and classic flavors. Troegs Independent Brewing offers a variety of craft beers, from their renowned Troegenator Double Bock to the refreshing Perpetual IPA. Millworks Brewery in downtown Harrisburg is another beloved choice, known for its creative and bold beer offerings, such as the Hazemaker IPA and Blueberry Kolsch.

But it’s not just about selling beer; it’s about fostering a sense of community and tradition. Beer is more than just a beverage; it’s a cultural phenomenon that brings people together. Through our marketing efforts, we strive to celebrate the rich history of brewing and selling beer in Pennsylvania, while also embracing the innovative spirit and diversity of today’s craft beer scene.

Some of our favorite local breweries and their standout beers include:

Cheers to the art of beer marketing, and contact Cross Creative if you want your brand to flow as freely as the taps at your local beer distributor!

Empowering Local Businesses

Local Roots

As a premier branding and marketing agency, our roots are deeply intertwined with the local community. We don’t just serve businesses; we champion them. Our commitment to supporting and uplifting local enterprises goes beyond mere words; it’s ingrained in everything we do.

At Cross Creative, we believe in the power of hometown pride and the potential that lies within our own backyard. That’s why we prioritize working with local businesses, understanding their unique needs, and crafting tailored solutions that resonate with the community. Camp Hill isn’t just a location for us; it’s our home, and we’re dedicated to its growth and prosperity.

Market on Market Design

One of the ways we demonstrate our commitment is through our support of the Downtown Camp Hill Association. This collaboration allows us to actively participate in the revitalization efforts of our beloved downtown area. We’re proud to have played a pivotal role in designing the vibrant atmosphere of the Market on Market, a cornerstone of community gatherings and local commerce.  As a small business and part of the Camp Hill community, Cross Creative appreciates that the Downtown Camp Hill Association stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of unity and progress that has defined this charming borough for decades.

A Collaborative Camp Hill Network

But our involvement doesn’t stop there. We’re inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit that thrives in Camp Hill and the Central PA area, evident in the recent surge of new businesses setting up shop in the area. From cozy cafes like the new Joey Jaks Real Fruit Ice Cream to boutique shops such as Amber and Alchemy, each establishment adds its own flavor to the tapestry of our town. Together, we form a network of interconnected enterprises, each supporting and uplifting the other.

Joey Jak's Storefront
Joey Jak's Storefront
Amber & Alchemy Storefront
Amber & Alchemy Storefront

Collaboration is key, and we’ve seen firsthand the transformative power it holds. By pooling our resources and talents, we amplify our impact and reach new heights of success. When local businesses join forces, they create a ripple effect of prosperity that extends far beyond individual storefronts. It’s a testament to the strength of community and the resilience of small businesses.

As we look to the future, Cross Creative remains steadfast in our dedication to Camp Hill and its vibrant community of entrepreneurs. We’re excited to continue supporting local businesses, fostering meaningful connections, and driving positive change. As a small business and part of the Camp Hill community, Cross Creative encourages you to come visit and check out Downtown Camp Hill.  And if you’re a business owner, reach out today and let Cross Creative deliver solutions that elevate your brand!

Cumberland County’s Population Boom and the Need for Creative Branding

Cross Creative stands ready to assist new businesses in the growing Cumberland County, PA.

Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, is experiencing a population surge like never before. As more people flock to the area, businesses are sprouting up to meet the growing demand. With this influx of residents and entrepreneurs, the need for a robust brand presence has never been more critical.


The Business Boom and the Graphic Design Advantage

The population growth in Cumberland County signals not only an increase in potential customers but also a rise in competition. In this thriving environment, a new business needs to stand out to make a lasting impression. This is where the expertise of a graphic design agency becomes invaluable.

Why Graphic Design Matters for New Businesses

First Impressions Count: In a crowded market, a visually striking brand is essential to capture the attention of potential customers. Graphic design shapes the first impression, conveying professionalism and credibility.

  • First Impressions Count: In a crowded market, a visually striking brand is essential to capture the attention of potential customers. Graphic design shapes the first impression, conveying professionalism and credibility.
  • Memorability: A well-crafted logo and consistent branding create a memorable image for your business. In a community teeming with options, being memorable is the key to brand recall.
  • Building Trust: Quality design instills trust. Consumers are more likely to trust a business with a polished and cohesive brand presence. It signals that you care about your image, and by extension, your customers.
  • Communication: Effective design communicates your brand story visually. It communicates your values, mission, and uniqueness, fostering a connection with your target audience.

Cross Creative: Crafting Your Brand in Cumberland’s Growth Spurt

This is where Cross Creative steps in. As Cumberland County flourishes, Cross Creative is poised to help new businesses carve their niche in this dynamic landscape. Here’s how:

  • Strategic Branding: Cross Creative goes beyond aesthetics; we dive into the core of your business to understand its essence. We craft brands that not only look good but authentically represent your values and resonate with your audience.
  • Comprehensive Design Services: Whether it’s designing eye-catching logos, creating cohesive marketing materials, or developing a user-friendly website, our design services cover all aspects of establishing a powerful brand presence.
  • Adaptability: In a growing community, staying relevant is crucial. Cross Creative’s adaptable approach ensures that your brand remains fresh, dynamic, and aligned with the evolving needs of Cumberland County’s diverse population.
  • Local Understanding: Being a part of Cumberland County ourselves, we understand the unique characteristics of the community. This local insight allows us to tailor designs that specifically appeal to the local demographic.

As Cumberland County experiences a surge in population and businesses, the importance of a strong brand presence cannot be overstated. Cross Creative stands ready to assist new businesses in navigating this growth, ensuring they not only keep pace but lead the way in establishing a distinctive and memorable brand presence in this thriving community.